Charged Charging Checked Earnestly Forbidding Manifest Ordered Orders Rebuked Special Sternly Straitly Strictly Warned

3:12 He charged them not to make him known - It was not the time: nor were they fit preachers.

3:6-12 All our sicknesses and calamities spring from the anger of God against our sins. Their removal, or the making them blessings to us, was purchased to us by the blood of Christ. But the plagues and diseases of our souls, of our hearts, are chiefly to be dreaded; and He can heal them also by a word. May more and more press to Christ to be healed of these plagues, and to be delivered from the enemies of their souls.

Charged Charging Checked Earnestly Forbidding Manifest Ordered Orders Rebuked Special Sternly Straitly Strict Strictly Time Times Warned

Charged Charging Checked Earnestly Forbidding Manifest Ordered Orders Rebuked Special Sternly Straitly Strict Strictly Time Times Warned