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16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with {e} new tongues;

(e) Strange tongues, ones which they did not know before.

16:17 These signs shall follow them that believe. It is generally held that this is a promise limited to the apostolic age and to a few of the disciples of that age. Perhaps the plural them does not have for its antecedent the singular he in Mr 16:16, but the plural them in Mr 16:14. If it does not, why is the number changed in Mr 16:15,16? The grammatical construction requires us to look to Mr 16:14 for the antecedent of them in Mr 16:17. In Mr 16:14 the apostles are upbraided for their unbelief because they believed not them who had seen him after he had arisen. They are commended to go and tell the glad story, and assured that miraculous credentials shall be given to those of them who believe and tell the wonderful tidings.

In my name shall they cast out demons, etc. See Mr 16:14-16 Ac 2:4 5:16 8:07 16:18 28:3.

16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe - An eminent author sub - joins, That believe with that very faith mentioned in the preceding verse . (Though it is certain that a man may work miracles, and not have saving faith, Matt 7:22,23.) It was not one faith by which St. Paul was saved, another by which he wrought miracles. Even at this day in every believer faith has a latent miraculous power; (every effect of prayer being really miraculous;) although in many, both because of their own littleness of faith, and because the world is unworthy, that power is not exerted. Miracles, in the beginning, were helps to faith; now also they are the object of it. At Leonberg, in the memory of our fathers, a cripple that could hardly move with crutches, while the dean was preaching on this very text, was in a moment made whole. Shall follow - The word and faith must go before. In my name - By my authority committed to them. Raising the dead is not mentioned. So our Lord performed even more than he promised.

16:14-18 The evidences of the truth of the gospel are so full, that those who receive it not, may justly be upbraided with their unbelief. Our blessed Lord renewed his choice of the eleven as his apostles, and commissioned them to go into all the world, to preach his gospel to every creature. Only he that is a true Christian shall be saved through Christ. Simon Magus professed to believe, and was baptized, yet he was declared to be in the bonds of iniquity: see his history in Ac 8:13-25. Doubtless this is a solemn declaration of that true faith which receives Christ in all his characters and offices, and for all the purposes of salvation, and which produces its right effect on the heart and life; not a mere assent, which is a dead faith, and cannot profit. The commission of Christ's ministers extends to every creature throughout the world, and the declarations of the gospel contain not only truths, encouragements, and precepts, but also most awful warnings. Observe what power the apostles should be endued with, for confirming the doctrine they were to preach. These were miracles to confirm the truth of the gospel, and means of spreading the gospel among nations that had not heard it.

Accompany Attend Believe Believed Believing Cast Demons Devils Drive Evil Expel Faith Follow Languages Making New Signs Speak Spirits Tongues Use

Accompany Attend Believe Believed Believing Cast Demons Devils Drive Evil Expel Faith Follow Languages Making New Signs Speak Spirits Tongues Use