Body Bought Cloth Cut Dead Door Entrance Fine Got Hewn Joseph Laid Linen Placed Rock Rolled Round Sepulcher Sepulchre Sheet Shroud Stone Swathed Taking Tomb Wound Wrapped

15:42-47 When the even was come. See notes on Mt 27:57-61 for the Burial of Jesus. Compare Lu 23:50-56 Joh 19:36-42. Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea, who obtained the body of Jesus and placed it in Joseph's new-made tomb, were both members of the Jewish Sanhedrin. Nicodemus had come to Jesus by night (Joh 3:1,2) and had vainly opposed the animosity of the Sanhedrin (Joh 7:50-53).

15:46 He rolled a stone - By his servants. It was too large for him to roll himself.

15:42-47 We are here attending the burial of our Lord Jesus. Oh that we may by grace be planted in the likeness of it! Joseph of Arimathea was one who waited for the kingdom of God. Those who hope for a share in its privileges, must own Christ's cause, when it seems to be crushed. This man God raised up for his service. There was a special providence, that Pilate should be so strict in his inquiry, that there might be no pretence to say Jesus was alive. Pilate gave Joseph leave to take down the body, and do what he pleased with it. Some of the women beheld where Jesus was laid, that they might come after the sabbath to anoint the dead body, because they had not time to do it before. Special notice was taken of Christ's sepulchre, because he was to rise again. And he will not forsake those who trust in him, and call upon him. Death, deprived of its sting, will soon end the believer's sorrows, as it ended those of the Saviour.

Body Bought Cloth Cut Door Entrance Fine Hewn Joseph Linen Rock Rolled Round Sepulcher Sepulchre Sheet Stone Tomb Wound Wrapped

Body Bought Cloth Cut Door Entrance Fine Hewn Joseph Linen Rock Rolled Round Sepulcher Sepulchre Sheet Stone Tomb Wound Wrapped