Bare Body Cast Cloth Follow Followed Garment Grabbed Hands Hold Indeed Laid Lay Linen Naked Nothing Round Seize Seized Sheet Thrown Wearing Youth

14:51 {13} And there followed him a certain young man, having a {m} linen cloth cast about [his] naked [body]; and the young men laid hold on him:

(13) Under a pretence of godliness, all things are lawful to those who do violence against Christ.

(m) Which he cast about him, and ran forth after he heard the commotion in the night: by this we may understand with how great licentiousness these villains violently set upon him.

14:51,52 And there followed him, etc. Verses 51 and 52 are peculiar to Mark.

A certain young man. Some have supposed him to be Mark. This is only conjecture. The incident may have been introduced to show the rudeness of the assailants and to emphasize the escape of all the disciples from so wanton an attack.

A linen cloth. A night robe.

14:51 A young man - It does not appear, that he was one of Christ's disciples. Probably hearing an unusual noise, he started up out of his bed, not far from the garden, and ran out with only the sheet about him, to see what was the matter. And the young men laid hold on him - Who was only suspected to be Christ's disciple: but could not touch them who really were so.

14:43-52 Because Christ appeared not as a temporal prince, but preached repentance, reformation, and a holy life, and directed men's thoughts, and affections, and aims to another world, therefore the Jewish rulers sought to destroy him. Peter wounded one of the band. It is easier to fight for Christ than to die for him. But there is a great difference between faulty disciples and hypocrites. The latter rashly and without thought call Christ Master, and express great affection for him, yet betray him to his enemies. Thus they hasten their own destruction.

Bare Body Cast Cloth Follow Followed Following Garment Grabbed Hold Indeed Jesus Linen Naked Round Seize Sheet Thrown Wearing Young Youth

Bare Body Cast Cloth Follow Followed Following Garment Grabbed Hold Indeed Jesus Linen Naked Round Seize Sheet Thrown Wearing Young Youth