Allow Angry Belongeth Belongs Childlike Displeased Forbid Hinder However Indignant Indignation Kingdom Moved Permit Reign Seeing Suffer

10:13-16 They brought young children to him. See notes on Mt 19:13-15. Compare Lu 18:15-17. See also notes on Mt 18:3-4.

10:14 Jesus seeing it was much displeased - At their blaming those who were not blame worthy: and endeavouring to hinder the children from receiving a blessing. Of such is the kingdom of God - The members of the kingdom which I am come to set up in the world are such as these, as well as grown persons, of a child - like temper.

10:13-16 Some parents or nurses brought little children to Christ, that he should touch them, in token of his blessing them. It does not appear that they needed bodily cures, nor were they capable of being taught: but those who had the care of them believed that Christ's blessing would do their souls good; therefore they brought them to him. Jesus ordered that they should be brought to him, and that nothing should be said or done to hinder it. Children should be directed to the Saviour as soon as they are able to understand his words. Also, we must receive the kingdom of God as little children; we must stand affected to Christ and his grace, as little children to their parents, nurses, and teachers.

Allow Angry Belongeth Belongs Childlike Children Displeased Forbid Hinder However Indignant Indignation Jesus Kingdom Little Moved Permit Reign Suffer

Allow Angry Belongeth Belongs Childlike Children Displeased Forbid Hinder However Indignant Indignation Jesus Kingdom Little Moved Permit Reign Suffer