Almighty Armies Aside Decrees Departed Fathers Heed Hosts Kept Ordinances Return Rules Says Statutes Turn Wherein

3:7 Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept [them]. {g} Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return?

(g) Read Zec 1:3.

3:7 From mine ordinances - Which either directed my worship, or your dealings one with another.

3:7-12 The men of that generation turned away from God, they had not kept his ordinances. God gives them a gracious call. But they said, Wherein shall we return? God notices what returns our hearts make to the calls of his word. It shows great perverseness in sin, when men make afflictions excuses for sin, which are sent to part between them and their sins. Here is an earnest exhortation to reform. God must be served in the first place; and the interest of our souls ought to be preferred before that of our bodies. Let them trust God to provide for their comfort. God has blessings ready for us, but through the weakness of our faith and the narrowness of our desires, we have not room to receive them. He who makes trial will find nothing is lost by honouring the Lord with his substance.

Almighty Armies Decrees Departed Fathers Forefathers Hosts How Kept Ordinances Rules Statutes Time Turned Wherein

Almighty Armies Decrees Departed Fathers Forefathers Hosts How Kept Ordinances Rules Statutes Time Turned Wherein