Authority Belongs Courts Daily Dark Darkness Didn't Forth Hands Hour Lay Power Reigns Stretch Stretched Temple Yours

22:53 When I was daily with you in the temple, ye stretched forth no hands against me: but this is your hour, and the {p} power of darkness.

(p) The power that was given to darkness to oppress the light for a time.

22:47-53 Behold a multitude. For notes on the Betrayal and Seizure of Jesus, see Mt 26:47-56. Compare Mr 14:43-52 Joh 18:1-12.

22:53 This is your hour - Before which ye could not take me: and the power of darkness - The time when Satan has power.

22:47-53 Nothing can be a greater affront or grief to the Lord Jesus, than to be betrayed by those who profess to be his followers, and say that they love him. Many instances there are, of Christ's being betrayed by those who, under the form of godliness, fight against the power of it. Jesus here gave an illustrious example of his own rule of doing good to those that hate us, as afterwards he did of praying for those that despitefully use us. Corrupt nature warps our conduct to extremes; we should seek for the Lord's direction before we act in difficult circumstances. Christ was willing to wait for his triumphs till his warfare was accomplished, and we must be so too. But the hour and the power of darkness were short, and such the triumphs of the wicked always will be.

Authority Belongs Courts Daily Darkness Forth Hand Hands Hour Lay Power Reigns Stretch Stretched Temple

Authority Belongs Courts Daily Darkness Forth Hand Hands Hour Lay Power Reigns Stretch Stretched Temple