Amount Buries Bushel Dough Flour Hid Hide Large Leaven Leavened Meal Measures Mixed Pecks Takes Till Worked Yeast

13:18-21 For notes on the parables of the Mustard Seed and Leaven, see Mt 13:31-33.

13:21 Covered up - So that, for a time, nothing of it appeared.

13:18-22 Here is the progress of the gospel foretold in two parables, as in Mt 13. The kingdom of the Messiah is the kingdom of God. May grace grow in our hearts; may our faith and love grow exceedingly, so as to give undoubted evidence of their reality. May the example of God's saints be blessed to those among whom they live; and may his grace flow from heart to heart, until the little one becomes a thousand.

Amount Buries Bushel Dough Flour Hid Hide Leavened Meal Measures Mixed Pecks Three Whole Work Worked Yeast

Amount Buries Bushel Dough Flour Hid Hide Leavened Meal Measures Mixed Pecks Three Whole Work Worked Yeast