Aaron Aaron's Anointed Anointeth Anointing Consecrate Hallow Holy Oil Poured Poureth Sanctify

8:12 He poured - In a plentiful manner, as appears from Psa 133:2, whereas other persons and things were only sprinkled with it: because his unction was to typify the anointing of Christ with the Spirit, which was not given by measure to him. A measure of the same anointing is given to all believers.

8:1-13 The consecration of Aaron and his sons had been delayed until the tabernacle had been prepared, and the laws of the sacrifices given. Aaron and his sons were washed with water, to signify that they ought to purify themselves from all sinful dispositions, and ever after to keep themselves pure. Christ washes those from their sins in his own blood whom he makes kings and priests to our God, Re 1:5,6; and those that draw near to God must be washed in pure water, Heb 10:22. The anointing of Aaron was to typify the anointing of Christ with the Spirit, which was not given by measure to him. All believers have received the anointing.

Aaron Aaron's Anointed Anointeth Anointing Consecrate Hallow Head Holy Oil Poured Poureth Sanctify

Aaron Aaron's Anointed Anointeth Anointing Consecrate Hallow Head Holy Oil Poured Poureth Sanctify