Aaron Act Allotted Anointing Anointing-portion Consecrated Fire Fire-offerings Holy Minister Offerings Office Portion Presented Priest Priests Priest's Serve Sons

7:35 This [is the portion] of the {n} anointing of Aaron, and of the anointing of his sons, out of the offerings of the LORD made by fire, in the day [when] he presented them to minister unto the LORD in the priest's office;

(n) that is, his privilege, reward and portion.

7:35 Of the anointing of Aaron - That is, of the priesthood; the sign put for the thing signified; and the anointing by a like figure is put for the part of the sacrifices belonging to the priest by virtue of his anointing. This was their portion appointed them by God in that day, and therefore to be given to them in after ages.

7:35-38 Solemn acts of religious worship are not things which we may do or not do at our pleasure; it is at our peril if we omit them. An observance of the laws of Christ cannot be less necessary than of the laws of Moses.

Aaron Act Allotted Anointing Consecrated Fire Fire-Offerings Holy Minister Offerings Office Part Portion Presented Priest Priests Priest's Serve

Aaron Act Allotted Anointing Consecrated Fire Fire-Offerings Holy Minister Offerings Office Part Portion Presented Priest Priests Priest's Serve