Anyone Bring Bringing Brings Fellowship Makes Oblation Offereth Offering Offerings Offers Peace Peace-offering Peace-offerings Presenteth Sacrifice Saying Sons Speak

7:29 Shall bring - Not by another, but by himself, that is, those parts of the peace - offering, which are in a special manner offered to God. His oblation unto the Lord - That is, to the tabernacle, where the Lord was present in a special manner. Though part of such offerings might be eaten in any clean place, Lev 10:14, yet not till they had been killed, and part of them offered to the Lord in the place appointed by him for that purpose.

7:28-34 The priest who offered, was to have the breast and the right shoulder. When the sacrifice was killed, the offerer himself must present God's part of it; that he might signify his cheerfully giving it up to God. He was with his own hands to lift it up, in token of his regard to God as the God of heaven; and then to wave it to and fro, in token of his regard to God as the Lord of the whole earth. Be persuaded and encouraged to feed and feast upon Christ, our Peace-offering. This blessed Peace-offering is not for the priests only, for saints of the highest rank and greatest eminence, but for the common people also. Take heed of delay. Many think to repent and return to God when they are dying and dropping into hell; but they should eat the peace-offering, and eat it now. Stay not till the day of the Lord's patience be run out, for eating the third day will not be accepted, nor will catching at Christ when thou art gone to hell!

Children Fellowship Israel Israelites Makes Oblation Offereth Offering Offerings Offers Peace Peace-Offerings Presenteth Sacrifice Speak

Children Fellowship Israel Israelites Makes Oblation Offereth Offering Offerings Offers Peace Peace-Offerings Presenteth Sacrifice Speak