Altar Ashes Beside Body Breeches Burned Burnt Burnt-offering Clothes Consumed Consumeth Fine Fire Flesh Garment Lifted Linen Offering Priest Raiment Reduces Remove Robe Robes Trousers Undergarments Whereto

6:10 And the priest shall put on his linen garment, and his linen breeches shall he put upon {e} his flesh, and take up the ashes which the fire hath consumed with the burnt offering on the altar, and he shall put them beside the {f} altar.

(e) Upon his secret parts, Ex 28:42.

(f) In the ash pans appointed for that use.

6:10 The ashes which the fire hath consumed - That is, the wood consumed into ashes.

6:8-13 The daily sacrifice of a lamb is chiefly referred to. The priest must take care of the fire upon the altar. The first fire upon the altar came from heaven, ch. 9:24; by keeping that up continually, all their sacrifices might be said to be consumed with the fire from heaven, in token of God's acceptance. Thus should the fire of our holy affections, the exercise of our faith and love, of prayer and praise, be without ceasing.

Altar Ashes Body Breeches Burned Burnt Burnt-Offering Clothes Consumed Fire Flesh Garment Linen Offering Priest Reduces Remove Robe Robes Trousers Undergarments Whereto

Altar Ashes Body Breeches Burned Burnt Burnt-Offering Clothes Consumed Fire Flesh Garment Linen Offering Priest Reduces Remove Robe Robes Trousers Undergarments Whereto