Anyone Bear Borne Commanded Commandments Commands Commit Didn't Forbidden Guilty Held Iniquity Lord's Orders Punishment Regarding Responsible Sin Sinneth Sins Soul Though Unaware Wist Wrong Yet

5:17 And if a soul sin, and commit any of these things which are forbidden to be done by the commandments of the LORD; though he wist [it] not, yet is he guilty, and shall {i} bear his iniquity.

(i) That is, remembers after that he has sinned when his conscience accuses him.

5:17 The former law concerns the alienation of holy things from sacred to common use; this may concern other miscarriages about holy things, and holy duties, as may be gathered from Lev 5:19, where this is said to be a trespass against the Lord, not in a general sense, for so every sin was; but in a proper and peculiar sense.

5:14-19 Here are offerings to atone for trespasses against a neighbour. If a man put to his own use unwittingly, any thing dedicated to God, he was to bring this sacrifice. We are to be jealous over ourselves, to ask pardon for the sin, and make satisfaction for the wrong, which we do but suspect ourselves guilty of. The law of God is so very broad, the occasions of sin in this guilty of. The law of God is so very broad, the occasions of sin in this world are so numerous, and we are so prone to evil, that we need to fear always, and to pray always, that we may be kept from sin. Also we should look before us at every step. The true Christian daily pleads guilty before God, and seeks forgiveness through the blood of Christ. And the gospel salvation is so free, that the poorest is not shut out; and so full, that the most burdened conscience may find relief from it. Yet the evil of sin is so displayed as to cause every pardoned sinner to abhor and dread it.

Bear Commanded Commandments Commands Commit Forbidden Guilty Iniquity Lord's Orders Punishment Sin Sinneth Sins Soul Unaware Wist Wrong

Bear Commanded Commandments Commands Commit Forbidden Guilty Iniquity Lord's Orders Punishment Sin Sinneth Sins Soul Unaware Wist Wrong