Blood Curtain Dip Dipped Drops Finger Front Priest Seven Shaking Sprinkle Sprinkled Vail Veil

4:17 And sprinkle it - It was not to be poured out there, but sprinkled only; for the cleansing virtue of the blood of Christ was sufficiently represented by sprinkling. It was sprinkled seven times: seven is a number of perfection; because God made the world in six days, and rested the seventh. This signified the perfect satisfaction Christ made, and the compleat cleansing of our souls thereby.

4:13-21 If the leaders of the people, through mistake, caused them to err, an offering must be brought, that wrath might not come upon the whole congregation. When sacrifices were offered, the persons, on whose behalf they were devoted, were to lay their hands on the heads of the victims, and to confess their sins. The elders were to do so, when the sacrifices were offered for the whole congregation. The load of sin was supposed then to be borne by the guiltless animal. When the offering is completed, it is said, atonement is made, and the sin shall be forgiven. The saving of churches and kingdoms from ruin, is owing to the satisfaction and mediation of Christ.

Blood Curtain Dip Dipped Drops Finger Front Priest Seven Shaking Sprinkle Sprinkled Times Vail Veil

Blood Curtain Dip Dipped Drops Finger Front Priest Seven Shaking Sprinkle Sprinkled Times Vail Veil