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21:8 Thou shalt {e} sanctify him therefore; for he offereth the {f} bread of thy God: he shall be holy unto thee: for I the LORD, which sanctify you, [am] holy.

(e) You shall count them holy and reverence them.

(f) The showbread.

21:8 Thou - O Moses, and whosoever shall succeed in thy place, to whom it belongs to see my laws observed, shall take care that the priest be holy, and do not defile himself by any of these forbidden marriages.

21:1-24 Laws concerning the priests. - As these priests were types of Christ, so all ministers must be followers of him, that their example may teach others to imitate the Saviour. Without blemish, and separate from sinners, He executed his priestly office on earth. What manner of persons then should his ministers be! But all are, if Christians, spiritual priests; the minister especially is called to set a good example, that the people may follow it. Our bodily infirmities, blessed be God, cannot now shut us out from his service, from these privileges, or from his heavenly glory. Many a healthful, beautiful soul is lodged in a feeble, deformed body. And those who may not be suited for the work of the ministry, may serve God with comfort in other duties in his church.

Bread Consecrate Consider Eyes Food Hallow Holy Offer Offered Offereth Offers Regard Sanctified Sanctifies Sanctifying

Bread Consecrate Consider Eyes Food Hallow Holy Offer Offered Offereth Offers Regard Sanctified Sanctifies Sanctifying