Abominations Alien Aliens Birth Commit Decisions Detestable Disgusting Either Foreigner Home-born Israelites Judgments Kept Laws Midst Nation Native Native-born None Observe Ordinances Rules Sojourner Sojourneth Sojourning Sojourns Statutes Stranger

18:26 Nor any stranger - In nation or religion, of what kind soever. For though they might not force them to submit to their religion, yet they might restrain them from the publick contempt of the Jewish laws, and from the violation of natural laws, which, besides the offence against God and nature, were matters of evil example to the Israelites themselves.

18:1-30 Unlawful marriages and fleshly lusts. - Here is a law against all conformity to the corrupt usages of the heathen. Also laws against incest, against brutal lusts, and barbarous idolatries; and the enforcement of these laws from the ruin of the Canaanites. God here gives moral precepts. Close and constant adherence to God's ordinances is the most effectual preservative from gross sin. The grace of God only will secure us; that grace is to be expected only in the use of the means of grace. Nor does He ever leave any to their hearts' lusts, till they have left him and his services.

Abominations Alien Aliens Birth Commit Decisions Decrees Detestable Disgusting Either Foreigner Home-Born Israelites Judgments Laws Nation Native Native-Born Observe Ordinances Others Rules Sojourneth Sojourns Statutes Stranger

Abominations Alien Aliens Birth Commit Decisions Decrees Detestable Disgusting Either Foreigner Home-Born Israelites Judgments Laws Nation Native Native-Born Observe Ordinances Others Rules Sojourneth Sojourns Statutes Stranger