Alien Animal Animals Anyone Anything Bathe Bathed Beasts Birth Body Carcase Ceremonially Clean Clothes Clothing Dead Death Died Dies Dieth Eateth Eats Evening Foreigner Garments Home-born Itself Nation Native Native-born Natives Natural Sojourner Sojourners Soul Stranger Takes Till Torn Unclean Wash Washed Whether Wild

17:15 That eateth - Through ignorance or inadvertency; for if it was done knowingly, it was more severely punished. A stranger - Who is a proselyte to the Jewish religion: other strangers were allowed to eat such things, Deu 14:21, out of which the blood was either not drawn at all, or not regularly.

17:10-16 Here is a confirmation of the law against eating blood. They must eat no blood. But this law was ceremonial, and is now no longer in force; the coming of the substance does away the shadow. The blood of beasts is no longer the ransom, but Christ's blood only; therefore there is not now the reason for abstaining there then was. The blood is now allowed for the nourishment of our bodies; it is no longer appointed to make an atonement for the soul. Now the blood of Christ makes atonement really and effectually; to that, therefore, we must have regard, and not consider it as a common thing, or treat it with indifference.

Alien Animal Animals Bathe Beasts Clean Clothes Country Died Dies Dieth Eateth Eats Evening Foreigner Home-Born Itself Native Native-Born Soul Stranger Torn Unclean Wash Water Whether

Alien Animal Animals Bathe Beasts Clean Clothes Country Died Dies Dieth Eateth Eats Evening Foreigner Home-Born Itself Native Native-Born Soul Stranger Torn Unclean Wash Water Whether