Attired Band Bathe Bathed Body Breeches Clothing Coat Dressed Flesh Garments Girded Girdeth Girdle Head-dress Holy Linen Miter Mitre Puts Putteth Round Sacred Sash Tie Trousers Tunic Turban Undergarments Vest Wash Washed Wear Wrappeth

16:4 The linen coat - It is observable, the high - priest did not now use his peculiar and glorious robes, but only his linen garments, which were common to him with the ordinary priests. The reason whereof was, because this was not a day of feasting and rejoicing, but of mourning and humiliation, at which times people were to lay aside their ornaments. These are holy - Because appropriated to an holy and religious use.

16:1-14 Without entering into particulars of the sacrifices on the great day of atonement, we may notice that it was to be a statute for ever, till that dispensation be at an end. As long as we are continually sinning, we continually need the atonement. The law of afflicting our souls for sin, is a statue which will continue in force till we arrive where all tears, even those of repentance, will be wiped from our eyes. The apostle observes it as a proof that the sacrifices could not take away sin, and cleanse the conscience from it, that in them there was a remembrance made of sin every year, upon the day of atonement, Heb 10:1,3. The repeating the sacrifices, showed there was in them but a feeble effort toward making atonement; this could be done only by offering up the body of Christ once for all; and that sacrifice needed not to be repeated.

Attired Bathe Body Breeches Coat Dressed Flesh Garments Girded Girdle Holy Linen Miter Mitre Sash Tie Tunic Turban Undergarments Wash Water Wear

Attired Bathe Body Breeches Coat Dressed Flesh Garments Girded Girdle Holy Linen Miter Mitre Sash Tie Tunic Turban Undergarments Wash Water Wear