Abide Abidest Age Dwellest Endures Enthroned Eternal Forever Generation Generations O Power Reign Remainest Rule Seat Seated Throne

5:19 Thou, O LORD, remainest for {k} ever; thy throne from generation to generation.

(k) And therefore your covenant and mercies can never fail.

5:19 Thy throne - Altho' for our sins thou sufferest our throne to be cast down, yet thou art the same, thy power is not diminished, nor thy goodness abated.

5:17-22 The people of God express deep concern for the ruins of the temple, more than for any other of their calamities. But whatever changes there are on earth, God is still the same, and remains for ever wise and holy, just and good; with Him there is no variableness nor shadow of turning. They earnestly pray to God for mercy and grace; Turn us to thee, O Lord. God never leaves any till they first leave him; if he turns them to him in a way of duty, no doubt he will quickly return to them in a way of mercy. If God by his grace renew our hearts, he will by his favour renew our days. Troubles may cause our hearts to be faint, and our eyes to be dim, but the way to the mercy-seat of our reconciled God is open. Let us, in all our trials, put our whole trust and confidence in his mercy; let us confess our sins, and pour out our hearts before him. Let us watch against repinings and despondency; for we surely know, that it shall be well in the end with all that trust in, fear, love, and serve the Lord. Are not the Lord's judgments in the earth the same as in Jeremiah's days? Let Zion then be remembered by us in our prayers, and her welfare be sought above every earthly joy. Spare, Lord, spare thy people, and give not thine heritage to reproach, for the heathen to rule over them.

Abide Abidest Age Dwellest Endures Enthroned Eternal Forever Generation Generations Power Reign Remainest Rule Seat Seated Throne

Abide Abidest Age Dwellest Endures Enthroned Eternal Forever Generation Generations Power Reign Remainest Rule Seat Seated Throne