Able Blind Blood Can't Clothing Dares Defiled Garments Naked None Out-places Polluted Robes Streets Themselves Touch Touched Unclean Wander Wandered Wandering

4:14 They have wandered [as] blind [men] {h} in the streets, they have polluted themselves with blood, so that {i} men could not touch their garments.

(h) Some refer this to the blind men who as they went, stumbled on the blood, of which the city was full.

(i) Meaning the heathen who came to destroy them could not abide them.

4:14 They - The prophets and priests wandered up and down the streets polluting themselves with blood, either the blood of the children which they slew, or the just men, mentioned ver.13, the slaughter of whom they either encouraged, or at least did not discourage; so that one could not touch a prophet or priest, but he must be legally polluted, and there were so many of them, that men could not walk in the streets, but he must touch some of them.

4:13-20 Nothing ripens a people more for ruin, nor fills the measure faster, than the sins of priests and prophets. The king himself cannot escape, for Divine vengeance pursues him. Our anointed King alone is the life of our souls; we may safely live under his shadow, and rejoice in Him in the midst of our enemies, for He is the true God and eternal life.

Able Blind Blood Clothing Dares Defiled Garments Grope Naked Out-Places Polluted Robes Streets Themselves Touch Touched Unclean Wander Wandered Wandering

Able Blind Blood Clothing Dares Defiled Garments Grope Naked Out-Places Polluted Robes Streets Themselves Touch Touched Unclean Wander Wandered Wandering