Blood Drained Evil-doing Iniquities Midst Priests Prophets Righteous Shed Shedding Sins Upright Within

4:13 For the sins of her prophets, [and] the iniquities of her priests, that have shed the blood of the just in the midst of {g} her,

(g) He means that these things are come to pass therefore, contrary to all men's expectations.

4:13 Priests - The ecclesiastical men were a great cause of the first and last destruction of Jerusalem. And so they are of most other places that come to ruin, through their neglect of their duty, or encouraging others in their wicked courses.

4:13-20 Nothing ripens a people more for ruin, nor fills the measure faster, than the sins of priests and prophets. The king himself cannot escape, for Divine vengeance pursues him. Our anointed King alone is the life of our souls; we may safely live under his shadow, and rejoice in Him in the midst of our enemies, for He is the true God and eternal life.

Blood Drained Evil-Doing Iniquities Midst Priests Prophets Righteous Shed Shedding Sins Upright Within

Blood Drained Evil-Doing Iniquities Midst Priests Prophets Righteous Shed Shedding Sins Upright Within