Besieged Bitter Bitterness Builded Built Compassed Encompassed Enveloped Gall Hardship Labor Poverty Round Setteth Shutting Sorrow Surrounded Toil Travail Tribulation Wall Weariness

3:5 He hath {b} built against me, and surrounded [me] with gall and labour.

(b) He speaks this as one that felt God's heavy judgment, which he greatly feared, and therefore sets them out with this diversity of words.

3:5 Builded - He hath built forts and batteries against my walls and houses.

3:1-20 The prophet relates the more gloomy and discouraging part of his experience, and how he found support and relief. In the time of his trial the Lord had become terrible to him. It was an affliction that was misery itself; for sin makes the cup of affliction a bitter cup. The struggle between unbelief and faith is often very severe. But the weakest believer is wrong, if he thinks that his strength and hope are perished from the Lord.

Besieged Bitter Bitterness Builded Built Compassed Encompassed Enveloped Gall Hardship Labor Poverty Round Shutting Sorrow Surrounded Toil Travail Tribulation Wall Weariness

Besieged Bitter Bitterness Builded Built Compassed Encompassed Enveloped Gall Hardship Labor Poverty Round Shutting Sorrow Surrounded Toil Travail Tribulation Wall Weariness