FALSE Bring Burdens Captivity Causes Changed Clear Deceptive Delusion Discovered Driving Expose Exposed Expulsion Falsehood Fate Folly Foolish Fortunes Iniquity Insipid Misleading Oracles Prophesied Prophets Restore Revealed Seduction Sin Turn Uncovered Vain Vanity Visions Ward Worthless

2:14 Thy prophets have {k} seen vain and foolish things for thee: and they have not revealed thy iniquity, to turn away thy captivity; but have seen for thee false burdens and causes of banishment.

(k) Because the false prophets called themselves seers, as the others were called, therefore he shows that they saw amiss because they did not reprove the people's faults, but flattered them in their sins, which was the cause of their destruction.

2:14 The prophets - False prophets told you vain stories. Not discovered - Whereas they ought to have made you sensible of your sins, and this might have prevented your captivity. False burdens - False stories to encourage you in sin, and so cause your banishment.

2:10-22 Causes for lamentation are described. Multitudes perished by famine. Even little children were slain by their mother's hands, and eaten, according to the threatening, De 28:53. Multitudes fell by the sword. Their false prophets deceived them. And their neighbours laughed at them. It is a great sin to jest at others' miseries, and adds much affliction to the afflicted. Their enemies triumphed over them. The enemies of the church are apt to take its shocks for its ruins; but they will find themselves deceived. Calls to lamentation are given; and comforts for the cure of these lamentations are sought. Prayer is a salve for every sore, even the sorest; a remedy for every malady, even the most grievous. Our business in prayer is to refer our case to the Lord, and leave it with him. His will be done. Let us fear God, and walk humbly before him, and take heed lest we fall.

Banishment Burdens Captivity Causes Changed Clear Deceptive Delusion Discovered Expose Exposed Falsehood Fate Folly Foolish Fortunes Iniquity Insipid Misleading Oracles Prophesied Prophets Restore Revealed Sin Turn Uncovered Vain Vanity Visions Ward Words Worthless

Banishment Burdens Captivity Causes Changed Clear Deceptive Delusion Discovered Expose Exposed Falsehood Fate Folly Foolish Fortunes Iniquity Insipid Misleading Oracles Prophesied Prophets Restore Revealed Sin Turn Uncovered Vain Vanity Visions Ward Words Worthless