Able Admonish Breach Comfort Compare Comparison Daughter Deep Destruction Equal Example Heal Healing Jerusalem Liken O Restore Ruin Testify Vast Virgin Witness Wound Zion

2:13 {i} What thing shall I take to witness for thee? what thing shall I liken to thee, O daughter of Jerusalem? what shall I equal to thee, that I may comfort thee, O virgin daughter of Zion? for thy breach [is] great like the sea: who can heal thee?

(i) Meaning that her calamity was so evident that it needed no witnesses.

2:13 Who - There was no people whose condition was in any degree parallel to the misery of the Jews: nor was there any cure for them, their breach was like a sea breach where the waters come in with such a torrent, that there is no making any defence against them.

2:10-22 Causes for lamentation are described. Multitudes perished by famine. Even little children were slain by their mother's hands, and eaten, according to the threatening, De 28:53. Multitudes fell by the sword. Their false prophets deceived them. And their neighbours laughed at them. It is a great sin to jest at others' miseries, and adds much affliction to the afflicted. Their enemies triumphed over them. The enemies of the church are apt to take its shocks for its ruins; but they will find themselves deceived. Calls to lamentation are given; and comforts for the cure of these lamentations are sought. Prayer is a salve for every sore, even the sorest; a remedy for every malady, even the most grievous. Our business in prayer is to refer our case to the Lord, and leave it with him. His will be done. Let us fear God, and walk humbly before him, and take heed lest we fall.

Admonish Breach Comfort Compare Comparison Daughter Destruction Equal Example Great Heal Jerusalem Liken Restore Ruin Sea Testify Vast Virgin Witness Wound Zion

Admonish Breach Comfort Compare Comparison Daughter Destruction Equal Example Great Heal Jerusalem Liken Restore Ruin Sea Testify Vast Virgin Witness Wound Zion