Abimelech Abim'elech Aided Attack Avenged Blood Brethren Brother Brothers Citizens Crime Cruelty Death Hands Helped Jerubbaal Jerubba'al Jerub-baal's Kill Killed Killing Laid Masters Murder Punishment Putting Seventy Shechem Shedding Slay Slew Sons Strengthened Ten Threescore Townsmen Violence Violent

9:24 The cruelty - That is, the punishment of the cruelty.

9:22-29 Abimelech is seated in the throne his father refused. But how long does this glory last? Stay but three years, and see the bramble withered and burned. The prosperity of the wicked is short and fickle. The Shechemites are plagued by no other hand than Abimelech's. They raised him unjustly to the throne; they first feel the weight of his sceptre.

Abimelech Abim'elech Aided Blood Crime Cruelty Hands Jerubbaal Jerubba'al Jerub-Baal's Kill Killed Killing Laid Order Seventy Shechem Slay Slew Strengthened Ten Threescore Violence

Abimelech Abim'elech Aided Blood Crime Cruelty Hands Jerubbaal Jerubba'al Jerub-Baal's Kill Killed Killing Laid Order Seventy Shechem Slay Slew Strengthened Ten Threescore Violence