Already Army Bread Chiefs Hands Heads Host Leaders Officials Possession Power Princes Succoth Troops Zalmunna Zalmun'na Zebah

8:6 And the princes of Succoth said, [Are] the {e} hands of Zebah and Zalmunna now in thine hand, that we should give bread unto thine army?

(e) Because you have overcome a handful, do you think to have overcome the whole?

8:6 Are the hands, and c. - Art thou so foolish, to think with thy three hundred faint and weary soldiers, to conquer and destroy an host of fifteen thousand Men? Thus the bowels of their compassion were shut up against their brethren. Were these Israelites! Surely they were worshippers of Baal, or in the interest of Midian.

8:4-12 Gideon's men were faint, yet pursuing; fatigued with what they had done, yet eager to do more against their enemies. It is many a time the true Christian's case, fainting, and yet pursuing. The world knows but little of the persevering and successful struggle the real believer maintains with his sinful heart. But he betakes himself to that Divine strength, in the faith of which he began his conflict, and by the supply of which alone he can finish it in triumph.

Already Army Bread Chiefs Hand Hands Heads Host Leaders Officials Possession Power Princes Succoth Troops Zalmunna Zalmun'na Zebah

Already Army Bread Chiefs Hand Hands Heads Host Leaders Officials Possession Power Princes Succoth Troops Zalmunna Zalmun'na Zebah