Asher Assembled Gathered Manasseh Manas'seh Midian Mid'ian Midianites Naphtali Naph'tali Pursue Pursued Summoned Themselves
7:23-25 Two chief commanders of the host of Midian were taken and slain by the men of Ephraim. It were to be wished that we all did as these did, and that where help is needed, that it were willingly and readily performed by another. And that if there were any excellent and profitable matter begun, we were willing to have fellow-labourers to the finishing and perfecting the same, and not, as often, hinder one another.
Asher Assembled Israel Israelites Manasseh Manas'seh Midian Mid'ian Midianites Naphtali Naph'tali Pursued Summoned Themselves Together
Asher Assembled Israel Israelites Manasseh Manas'seh Midian Mid'ian Midianites Naphtali Naph'tali Pursued Summoned Themselves Together