Altar Asherah Ashe'rah Baal Ba'al Belongs Beside Bull Bullock Cut Cutting Father's Grove Hast Herd Holy Ox Pass Pole Pull Pulling Servants Seven Shrine Tear Ten Throw Thrown Tree

6:25 And it came to pass the same night, that the LORD said unto him, Take thy father's young bullock, even the second bullock {k} of seven years old, and throw down the altar of Baal that thy father hath, and cut down the grove that [is] by it:

(k) That is, as the Chaldea text writes, fed seven years.

6:25 The second bullock - He was to offer one for himself, the other for the sins of the people, whom he was to deliver. 'Till sin be pardoned thro' the great sacrifice, no good is to be expected. Thy father hath - Which thy father built in his own ground, tho' for the common use of the city. The grove - Planted by the altar for idolatrous uses, as the manner of idolaters was. This action might seem injurious to his father's authority; but God's command was a sufficient warrant, and Gideon was now called to be the supreme magistrate, whereby he was made his father's superior, and was authorized to root out all idolatry, and the instruments thereof.

6:25-32 See the power of God's grace, that he could raise up a reformer; and the kindness of his grace, that he would raise up a deliverer, out of the family of a leader in idolatry. Gideon must not think it enough not to worship at that altar; he must throw it down, and offer sacrifice on another. It was needful he should make peace with God, before he made war on Midian. Till sin be pardoned through the great Sacrifice, no good is to be expected. God, who has all hearts in his hands, influenced Joash to appear for his son against the advocates for Baal, though he had joined formerly in the worship of Baal. Let us do our duty, and trust God with our safety. Here is a challenge to Baal, to do either good or evil; the result convinced his worshippers of their folly, in praying to one to help them that could not avenge himself.

Altar Asherah Baal Bull Bullock Cut It Night Second Seven Throw Young

Altar Asherah Baal Bull Bullock Cut It Night Second Seven Throw Young