Abandoned Anath Byways By-ways Caravans Ceased Crooked Deserted Highways Jael Ja'el Kept Paths Roads Roundabout Shamgar Travelers Travellers Unoccupied Walked Winding

5:6 In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were {b} unoccupied, and the travellers walked through byways.

(b) For fear of the enemies.

5:6 Jael - Jael, though an illustrious woman, effected nothing for the deliverance of God's people, 'till God raised me up. By - ways - Because of the Philistines and Canaanites, who, besides the public burdens which they laid upon them, waited for all opportunities to do them mischief secretly; their soldiers watching for travellers in common roads, as is usual with such in times of war; and, because of the robbers even of their own people, who having cast off the fear of God, and there being no king in Israel to punish them, broke forth into acts of injustice and violence, even against their own brethren.

5:6-11. Deborah describes the distressed state of Israel under the tyranny of Jabin, that their salvation might appear more gracious. She shows what brought this misery upon them. It was their idolatry. They chose new gods, with new names. But under all these images, Satan was worshipped. Deborah was a mother to Israel, by diligently promoting the salvation of their souls. She calls on those who shared the advantages of this great salvation, to offer up thanks to God for it. Let such as are restored, not only to their liberty as other Israelites, but to their rank, speak God's praises. This is the Lord's doing. In these acts of his, justice was executed on his enemies. In times of persecution, God's ordinances, the walls of salvation, whence the waters of life are drawn, are resorted to at the hazard of the lives of those who attend them. At all times Satan will endeavour to hinder the believer from drawing near to the throne of grace. Notice God's kindness to his trembling people. It is the glory of God to protect those who are most exposed, and to help the weakest. Let us notice the benefit we have from the public peace, the inhabitants of villages especially, and give God the praise.

Abandoned Anath Byways Caravans Ceased Crooked Deserted Highways Jael Ja'el Kept Roads Roundabout Shamgar Side Travelers Travellers Unoccupied Used Walked Ways Winding

Abandoned Anath Byways Caravans Ceased Crooked Deserted Highways Jael Ja'el Kept Roads Roundabout Shamgar Side Travelers Travellers Unoccupied Used Walked Ways Winding