Avenging Bless Blessed Fighters Flowing Freeing Freely Freemen Grow Hair Lead Leaders Led Offer Offered Offering Praise Themselves Volunteered Willingly

5:2 Praise ye the LORD for the avenging of Israel, when the {a} people willingly offered themselves.

(a) That is, the two tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali.

5:2 The Lord - Give him the praise who hath done the work. The people - Chiefly Zebulun and Naphtali. Offered themselves - When neither Deborah nor Barak had any power to compel them.

5:1-5. No time should be lost in returning thanks to the Lord for his mercies; for our praises are most acceptable, pleasant, and profitable, when they flow from a full heart. By this, love and gratitude would be more excited and more deeply fixed in the hearts of believers; the events would be more known and longer remembered. Whatever Deborah, Barak, or the army had done, the Lord must have all the praise. The will, the power, and the success were all from Him.

Avenging Bless Blessed Hair Israel Leaders Offer Offered Offering Praise Princes Themselves Volunteered Willingly

Avenging Bless Blessed Hair Israel Leaders Offer Offered Offering Praise Princes Themselves Volunteered Willingly