Army Canaan Captain Commander Dwelling Dwelt Gentiles Goyim Haggoyim Hands Harosheth Harosheth-goiim Haro'sheth-ha-goiim Harosheth-hagoyim Hazor Host Jabin Reigned Ruling Selleth Sisera Sis'era Sold

4:2 And the LORD sold them into the hand of {a} Jabin king of Canaan, that reigned in Hazor; the captain of whose host [was] Sisera, which dwelt in {b} Harosheth of the Gentiles.

(a) There was another Jabin, whom Joshua killed and burnt his city Hazor, Jos 11:13.

(b) That is in a wood, or strong place,

4:2 Of Canaan - That is, of the land where most of the Canaanites, strictly so called, now dwelt, which seems to be in the northern part of Canaan. This seems to be of the posterity of that Jabin, whom Joshua slew, Josh 11:11, who watched all opportunities to recover his ancient possessions, and to revenge his own and his father's quarrel. In Hazor - In the territory or the kingdom of Hazor, which might now be restored to its former largeness and power. Of the Gentiles - So called, because it was much frequented and inhabited by the Gentiles; either by the Canaanites, who being beaten out of their former possessions, seated themselves in those northern parts; or by other nations coming there for traffick, whence Galilee, where this was, is called Galilee of the Gentiles.

4:1-3. The land had rest for eighty years, which should have confirmed them in their religion; but it made them secure, and indulge their lusts. Thus the prosperity of fools destroys them. Jabin and his general Sisera, mightily oppressed Israel. This enemy was nearer than any of the former. Israel cried unto the Lord, when distress drove them to him, and they saw no other way of relief. Those who slight God in prosperity, will find themselves under a necessity of seeking him in trouble.

Army Canaan Captain Commander Dwelt Haggoyim Hand Hands Harosheth Harosheth-Goiim Haro'sheth-Ha-Goiim Harosheth-Hagoyim Hazor Host Jabin Reigned Ruling Selleth Sisera Sis'era Sold

Army Canaan Captain Commander Dwelt Haggoyim Hand Hands Harosheth Harosheth-Goiim Haro'sheth-Ha-Goiim Harosheth-Hagoyim Hazor Host Jabin Reigned Ruling Selleth Sisera Sis'era Sold