Benjamin Benjamite Daughter Marriage Mizpah Mizpeh None Oath Saying Sworn Wife

21:1 Now the men of Israel had {a} sworn in Mizpeh, saying, There shall not any of us give his daughter unto Benjamin to wife.

(a) This was a rash oath, and not from judgment: for they later broke it, showing secretly the means to marry certain of their daughters.

21:1 Had sworn - In the beginning of this war, after the whole tribe had espoused the quarrel of the men of Gibeah. Saying - They do not here swear the utter extirpation of the tribe, which fell out beyond their expectation, but only not to give their daughters to those men who should survive; justly esteeming them for their villainy, to be as bad as Heathens, with whom they were forbidden to marry.

17:7-13 Micah thought it was a sign of God's favour to him and his images, that a Levite should come to his door. Thus those who please themselves with their own delusions, if Providence unexpectedly bring any thing to their hands that further them in their evil way, are apt from thence to think that God is pleased with them.

Benjamin Benjamite Daughter Israel Marriage Mizpah Mizpeh Oath Sworn Wife

Benjamin Benjamite Daughter Israel Marriage Mizpah Mizpeh Oath Sworn Wife