Ambush Ambushes Attack Gibeah Gib'e-ah Liers Liers-in-wait Round Secretly Setteth Surprise Wait

20:29 Liers in wait - Though they were assured of the success, by a particular promise, yet they do not neglect the use of means; as well knowing that the certainty of God's promises doth not excuse, but rather require man's diligent use of all fit means for the accomplishment of them.

17:7-13 Micah thought it was a sign of God's favour to him and his images, that a Levite should come to his door. Thus those who please themselves with their own delusions, if Providence unexpectedly bring any thing to their hands that further them in their evil way, are apt from thence to think that God is pleased with them.

Ambush Ambushes Attack Israel Liers Round Secretly Surprise Wait

Ambush Ambushes Attack Israel Liers Round Secretly Surprise Wait