Aged Behold Benjaminites Benjamites Dwelt Ephraim E'phraim Evening Field Fields Gibeah Gib'e-ah Hill Hill-country Mount Sojourned Sojourner Sojourning Staying

19:16 And, behold, there came an old man from his work out of the field at even, which [was] also of mount Ephraim; and he sojourned in Gibeah: but the men of the place [were] {e} Benjamites.

(e) Or, the children of Jamini.

19:16 Ephraim - Whence also the Levite was, which enclined him to shew the more kindness to his country - man. Benjamites - This was indeed one of the cities belonging to the priests; but the cities which were given to the priests, and whereof they were owners, were not inhabited by the priests or Levites only, especially at this time when they were but few in number, but by many other persons of different professions.

17:7-13 Micah thought it was a sign of God's favour to him and his images, that a Levite should come to his door. Thus those who please themselves with their own delusions, if Providence unexpectedly bring any thing to their hands that further them in their evil way, are apt from thence to think that God is pleased with them.

Aged Benjaminites Benjamites Country Dwelt Ephraim E'phraim Evening Hill Hill-Country Mount Sojourned Sojourning Staying Work

Aged Benjaminites Benjamites Country Dwelt Ephraim E'phraim Evening Hill Hill-Country Mount Sojourned Sojourning Staying Work