Beginneth Camp Dan Eshtaol Esh'ta-ol Mahaneh Mahaneh-dan Ma'haneh-dan Move Spirit Stir Zorah

13:25 To move - That is, to stir him up to heroical designs; to shew forth its power in the frame of his mind, and in the strength of his body, discovered to his neighbours in extraordinary actions; to encline his heart to great attempts for the help and deliverance of God's people, to give some essays of it to his brethren, and to seek all opportunities for it. Of Dan - A place so called, either from the expedition of the Danites, Judg 18:11,12, which though placed after this history, was done before

13:24,25 The Spirit of the Lord began to move Samson when a youth. This was evidence that the Lord blessed him. Where God gives his blessing, he gives his Spirit to qualify for the blessing. Those are blessed indeed in whom the Spirit of grace begins to work in the days of their childhood. Samson drank no wine or strong drink, yet excelled in strength and courage, for he had the Spirit of God moving him; therefore be not drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit.

Camp Dan Eshtaol Esh'ta-Ol Mahaneh Mahaneh-Dan Ma'haneh-Dan Move Spirit Stir Times Zorah

Camp Dan Eshtaol Esh'ta-Ol Mahaneh Mahaneh-Dan Ma'haneh-Dan Move Spirit Stir Times Zorah