Although Ammon Ammonites Bene-ammon Cruel Danger Deliver Delivered Didn't Engaged Feud Hands Jephthah Save Saved Sons Strife Struggle

12:2 When I called - Hence it appears, that he had craved their assistance, which they had denied; though that be not elsewhere expressed.

12:1-7 The Ephraimites had the same quarrel with Jephthah as with Gideon. Pride was at the bottom of the quarrel; only by that comes contention. It is ill to fasten names of reproach upon persons or countries, as is common, especially upon those under outward disadvantages. It often occasions quarrels that prove of ill consequence, as it did here. No contentions are so bitter as those between brethren or rivals for honour. What need we have to watch and pray against evil tempers! May the Lord incline all his people to follow after things which make for peace!

Although Ammon Ammonites Bene-Ammon Children Cruel Danger Deliver Delivered Engaged Hand Hands Help Jephthah Save Saved Strife Struggle

Although Ammon Ammonites Bene-Ammon Children Cruel Danger Deliver Delivered Engaged Hand Hands Help Jephthah Save Saved Strife Struggle