Ammon Ammonites Arnon Bene-ammon Cities Egypt Jabbok Jephthah Jephthah's Jordan Lands Messengers Peace Peaceably Quietly Restore Return Sons

11:13 My land - That is, this land of Gilead, which was mine, but unjustly taken from me, by Sihon and Og, the kings of the Ammonites; and the injury perpetuated by Israel's detaining it from me. This land, before the conquests of Sihon and Og, belonged partly to the Ammonites, and partly to the Moabites. And indeed, Moab and Ammon did for the most part join their interests and their forces.

11:12-28 One instance of the honour and respect we owe to God, as our God, is, rightly to employ what he gives us to possess. Receive it from him, use it for him, and part with it when he calls for it. The whole of this message shows that Jephthah was well acquainted with the books of Moses. His argument was clear, and his demand reasonable. Those who possess the most courageous faith, will be the most disposed for peace, and the readiest to make advances to obtain; but rapacity and ambition often cloak their designs under a plea of equity, and render peaceful endeavours of no avail.

Ammon Arnon Children Egypt Israel Jabbok Jephthah Jordan Lands Messengers Peaceably Restore

Ammon Arnon Children Egypt Israel Jabbok Jephthah Jordan Lands Messengers Peaceably Restore