Captain Chief Commander Elders Gilead Jephthah Leader Mizpah Mizpeh Repeated Responsible Spake Speaketh Spoke Uttered

11:11 All his words - Or, all his matters, the whole business. Before the Lord - That is, before the public congregation, wherewith God was usually, and then especially present.

11:1-11 Men ought not to be blamed for their parentage, so long as they by their personal merits roll away any reproach. God had forgiven Israel, therefore Jephthah will forgive. He speaks not with confidence of his success, knowing how justly God might suffer the Ammonites to prevail for the further punishment of Israel. Nor does he speak with any confidence at all in himself. If he succeed, it is the Lord delivers them into his hand; he thereby reminds his countrymen to look up to God as the Giver of victory. The same question as here, in fact, is put to those who desire salvation by Christ. If he save you, will ye be willing that he shall rule you? On no other terms will he save you. If he make you happy, shall he make you holy? If he be your helper, shall he be your Head? Jephthah, to obtain a little worldly honour, was willing to expose his life: shall we be discouraged in our Christian warfare by the difficulties we may meet with, when Christ has promised a crown of life to him that overcometh?

Captain Chief Commander Elders Head Jephthah Leader Mizpah Mizpeh Repeated Responsible Speaketh Uttered Words

Captain Chief Commander Elders Head Jephthah Leader Mizpah Mizpeh Repeated Responsible Speaketh Uttered Words