Agreement Alike Ark Authorities Bare Bearing Beginning Birth Bless Blessing Bore Born Carried Citizens Command Commanded Covenant Ebal Elders Facing Foreigner Formerly Front Gerizim Half Homeborn Home-born Instructions Israelite Israelites Judges Lands Levites Levitical Lord's Mount Native Officers Officials Opposite Orders Over-against Overseers Places Priests Responsible Round Servant Sides Sojourner Standing Stationed Stood Stranger
8:33 All Israel - That is, the whole congregation, old and young, male and female. That side - Some on one side of it, and some on the other. Mount Gerizim - These two places were in the tribe of Ephraim, not far from Shechem, as appears both from scripture, and from other authors. Bless - Or curse, which is easily understood out of the following verse .
8:30-35 As soon as Joshua got to the mountains Ebal and Gerizim, without delay, and without caring for the unsettled state of Israel, or their enemies, he confirmed the covenant of the Lord with his people, as appointed, De 11; 27. We must not think to defer covenanting with God till we are settled in the world; nor must any business put us from minding and pursuing the one thing needful. The way to prosper is to begin with God, Mt 6:33. They built an altar, and offered sacrifice to God, in token of their dedicating themselves to God, as living sacrifices to his honour, in and by a Mediator. By Christ's sacrifice of himself for us, we have peace with God. It is a great mercy to any people to have the law of God in writing, and it is fit that the written law should be in a known tongue, that it may be seen and read of all men.
Ark Bless Born Carried Commanded Covenant Ebal Elders Half Israel Judges Levites Moses Mount Native Officers Priests Servant Side Stood Stranger
Ark Bless Born Carried Commanded Covenant Ebal Elders Half Israel Judges Levites Moses Mount Native Officers Priests Servant Side Stood Stranger