Ai Chiefs Early Elders Got Inspected Inspecteth Joshua Leaders Marched Morning Mustered Numbered Order Riseth Rose

8:10 And Joshua rose up early in the morning, and {d} numbered the people, and went up, he and the elders of Israel, before the people to Ai.

(d) That is, viewed or mustered them and set them in array.

8:10 The people - Heb. that people, not all the people of Israel; which was needless, and required more time than could now be spared; but the rest of that host of thirty thousand, whereof five thousand were sent away; the remainder are numbered, to see whether some of them had not withdrawn themselves, taking the advantage of the night, and of the design of laying an ambush; and that it might be evident, this work was done without any loss of men, whereby they might be encouraged to trust in God, and to proceed resolutely in their work. The elders of Israel - The chief magistrates and rulers of Israel under Joshua; and these, I suppose, went with Joshua, and with the army, to take care that the cattle and the spoil of the city, which was given by God to all Israel for a prey, ver.2, 27, might be justly and equally divided between those that went to battle, and the rest of the people.

8:3-22 Observe Joshua's conduct and prudence. Those that would maintain their spiritual conflicts must not love their ease. Probably he went into the valley alone, to pray to God for a blessing, and he did not seek in vain. He never drew back till the work was done. Those that have stretched out their hands against their spiritual enemies, must never draw them back.

Ai Chiefs Early Elders Inspected Inspecteth Israel Joshua Leaders Marched Morning Mustered Numbered Order Riseth Rose

Ai Chiefs Early Elders Inspected Inspecteth Israel Joshua Leaders Marched Morning Mustered Numbered Order Riseth Rose