Agreement Ahead Ark Bare Bearing Bore Camp Carrying Covenant Cross Front Jordan Journeying Moved Pass Priests Removed Tents

3:14-17 Jordan overflowed all its banks. This magnified the power of God, and his kindness to Israel. Although those who oppose the salvation of God's people have all advantages, yet God can and will conquer. This passage over Jordan, as an entrance to Canaan, after their long, weary wanderings in the wilderness, shadowed out the believer's passage through death to heaven, after he has finished his wanderings in this sinful world. Jesus, typified by the ark, hath gone before, and he crossed the river when it most flooded the country around. Let us treasure up experiences of His faithful and tender care, that they may help our faith and hope in the last conflict.

Agreement Ahead Ark Bare Bearing Bore Broke Camp Carrying Covenant Cross Jordan Journeying Moved Priests Removed Tents

Agreement Ahead Ark Bare Bearing Bore Broke Camp Carrying Covenant Cross Jordan Journeying Moved Priests Removed Tents