Assembly Chief Company Congregation Death Dwell Dwelt Fled Flight High-priest Home Judged Judgment Manslayer Man-slayer Meeting Priest Return Serving Slayer Stand Standing Stands Stood Taker Till Town Trial Turn Whence

20:6 And he shall dwell in that city, until he stand before the congregation for {c} judgment, [and] until the death of the high priest that shall be in those days: then shall the slayer return, and come unto his own city, and unto his own house, unto the city from whence he fled.

(c) Till his cause was proved.

20:6 Stand - Which was the posture of the accused and accusers. The congregation - The council appointed to judge of these matters, not the council of the city of refuge, for they had examined him before, ver.4, but of the city to which he belonged, or in or nigh which the fact was committed, as appears from Numb 35:25.

20:1-6 When the Israelites were settled in their promised inheritance, they were reminded to set apart the cities of refuge, whose use and typical meaning have been explained, Nu 35; De 19. God's spiritual Israel have, and shall have in Christ and heaven, not only rest to repose in, but refuge to secure themselves in. These cities were designed to typify the relief which the gospel provides for penitent sinners, and their protection from the curse of the law and the wrath of God, in our Lord Jesus, to whom believers flee for refuge, Heb 6:18.

City Congregation Death Dwell High House Judgment Manslayer Priest Slayer Stand Stands Whence

City Congregation Death Dwell High House Judgment Manslayer Priest Slayer Stand Stands Whence