Abide Abode Across Along Departed Didn't Everywhere Finding Hill Hill-country Hills Mountain Nothing Pursuers Returned Road Search Searched Searching Seek Sought Stayed Throughout Till

2:22 Three days - Supporting themselves there with the provisions, which Rahab had furnished them with. The ways - That is, in the road to Jordan, and the places near it, but not in the mountains.

2:22-24 The report the spies brought was encouraging. All the people of the country faint because of Israel; they have neither wisdom to yield, nor courage to fight. Those terrors of conscience, and that sense of Divine wrath, which dismay the ungodly, but bring not to repentance, are fearful forebodings of approaching destruction. But grace yet abounds to the chief of sinners. Let them, without delay, flee to Christ, and all shall be well.

Abide Abode Country Departed Everywhere Hill Hill-Country Hills Mountain Pursuers Road Search Searched Searching Seek Sought Three Throughout Turned Way

Abide Abode Country Departed Everywhere Hill Hill-Country Hills Mountain Pursuers Road Search Searched Searching Seek Sought Three Throughout Turned Way