Baalath Baalathbeer Baalath-beer Ba'alath-beer Baalath-beer-ramah Beer Cities Clan Families Hamlets Heritage Inheritance Negeb Negev Places Ramah Ramath Ramoth Round Simeon Simeonites Sons South Towns Tribe Unwalled Villages

19:1-9 The men of Judah did not oppose taking away the cities within their border, when convinced that they had more than was right. If a true believer has obtained an unintended and improper advantage in any thing, he will give it up without murmuring. Love seeketh not her own, and doth not behave unseemly; it will induce those in whom it richly dwells, to part with their own to supply what is lacking to their brethren.

Baalath Beer Children Cities Clan Heritage Inheritance Negev Places Ramah Ramath Ramoth Round Simeon Simeonites South Together Tribe Unwalled Villages

Baalath Beer Children Cities Clan Heritage Inheritance Negev Places Ramah Ramath Ramoth Round Simeon Simeonites South Together Tribe Unwalled Villages