Border Boundary Circled Compasseth El Ended Ending Ends Goes Goings Hannathon Han'nathon Iphtah Iphtahel Iph'tahel Iphtah-el Jiphthahel Jiphthah-el Limits Line North Northwards Outgoings Round Thereof Turns Valley

19:10-16 In the division to each tribe of Israel, the prophetic blessings of Jacob were fulfilled. They chose for themselves, or it was divided to them by lot, in the manner and places that he foresaw. So sure a rule to go by is the word of prophecy: we see by it what to believe, and it proves beyond all dispute the things that are of God.

Border Boundary Circled Compasseth El Ended Ending Ends Iphtah Iphtahel Iph'tahel Iphtah-El Jiphthahel Jiphthah-El Limits North Northwards Outgoings Round Side Thereof Turned Turns Valley

Border Boundary Circled Compasseth El Ended Ending Ends Iphtah Iphtahel Iph'tahel Iphtah-El Jiphthahel Jiphthah-El Limits North Northwards Outgoings Round Side Thereof Turned Turns Valley