Begin Entering Fathers Heritage Israelites Joshua Neglect Possess Possession Remiss Shew Slack Slow Sons Till Wait Yourselves

18:3 How long are you slack - This slackness is supposed to arise from an opinion of the impossibility of making any regular distribution of the parts, 'till the whole were more exactly surveyed, which accordingly is here done. Likewise, being weary of war, and having sufficient plenty of all things, they were unwilling to run into new hazards.

18:2-10 After a year or more, Joshua blamed their slackness, and told them how to proceed. God, by his grace, has given us a title to a good land, the heavenly Canaan, but we are slack to take possession of it; we enter not into that rest, as we might by faith, and hope, and holy joy. How long shall it be thus with us? How long shall we thus stand in our own light, and forsake our own mercies for lying vanities? Joshua stirs the Israelites up to take possession of their lots. He is ready to do his part, if they will do theirs.

Begin Children Entering Israel Israelites Joshua Land Neglect Possess Possession Remiss Shew Slack Slow Wait Yourselves

Begin Children Entering Israel Israelites Joshua Land Neglect Possess Possession Remiss Shew Slack Slow Wait Yourselves