Ashtaroth Ash'taroth Bashan Border Coast Dwelling Dwelt Edrei Ed're-i Giants Og Reigned Remnant Rephaim Reph'aim Rephaites Residue Rest Territory

12:4 Ashtaroth and Edrei - Sometimes at the one, sometimes at the other city; both being his royal mansions. But Israel made one grave serve him, who could not be contented with one palace.

12:1-6 Fresh mercies must not drown the remembrance of former mercies, nor must the glory of the present instruments of good to the church diminish the just honour of those who went before them, since God is the same who wrought by both. Moses gave to one part of Israel a very rich and fruitful country, but it was on the outside of Jordan. Joshua gave to all Israel the holy land, within Jordan. So the law has given to some few of God's spiritual Israel worldly blessings, earnests of good things to come; but our Lord Jesus, the true Joshua, provided for all the children of promise spiritual blessings, and the heavenly Canaan.

Ashtaroth Ash'taroth Bashan Border Coast Dwelling Dwelt Edrei Ed're-I Last Og Reigned Remnant Rephaim Reph'aim Rephaites Residue Rest Territory

Ashtaroth Ash'taroth Bashan Border Coast Dwelling Dwelt Edrei Ed're-I Last Og Reigned Remnant Rephaim Reph'aim Rephaites Residue Rest Territory