Achshaph Ach'shaph Acshaph Hazor Heareth Hearing Jabin Jobab Kings Madon Pass Shimron Thereof

11:1 And it came to pass, when Jabin king of Hazor had heard [those things], that he {a} sent to Jobab king of Madon, and to the king of Shimron, and to the king of Achshaph,

(a) The more God's power appears, the more the wicked rage against it.

11:1 Hazor - The chief city of those parts, ver.10. Had heard - This was a remarkable instance of the wisdom and goodness of Divine Providence, which so governed the minds of the Canaanites, that they were not all united under one king, but divided amongst many petty kings; and next, that these did not all unanimously join their counsels and forces together to oppose the Israelites at their first entrance, but quietly suffered the destruction of their brethren, thereby preparing the way for their own.

11:1-9 The wonders God wrought for the Israelites were to encourage them to act vigorously themselves. Thus the war against Satan's kingdom, carried on by preaching the gospel, was at first forwarded by miracles; but being fully proved to be of God, we are now left to the Divine grace in the usual course, in the use of the sword of the Spirit. God encouraged Joshua. Fresh dangers and difficulties make it necessary to seek fresh supports from the word of God, which we have nigh unto us for use in every time of need. God proportions our trials to our strength, and our strength to our trials. Joshua's obedience in destroying the horses and chariots, shows his self-denial in compliance with God's command. The possession of things on which the carnal heart is prone to depend, is hurtful to the life of faith, and the walk with God; therefore it is better to be without worldly advantages, than to have the soul endangered by them.

Achshaph Ach'shaph Acshaph Hazor Heard Heareth Hearing Jabin Jobab Kings Madon Shimron Thereof Word

Achshaph Ach'shaph Acshaph Hazor Heard Heareth Hearing Jabin Jobab Kings Madon Shimron Thereof Word