Abandon Amorite Amorites Assembled Camp Cease Dwell Dwelling Forces Gathered Gibeon Gilgal Hands Haste Hill Hill-country Joined Joshua Kings Mountains Quickly Relax Safe Safety Save Saying Servants Slack Slow Support Tent-circle Withdraw

10:6 Slack not thy hand - Do not neglect or delay to help us. Whom thou art obliged to protect both in duty as thou art our master; and by thy owns interest, we being part of thy possessions; and in ingenuity, because we have given ourselves to thee, and put ourselves under thy protection. In the mountains - ln the mountainous country.

10:1-6 When sinners leave the service of Satan and the friendship of the world, that they make peace with God and join Israel, they must not marvel if the world hate them, if their former friends become foes. By such methods Satan discourages many who are convinced of their danger, and almost persuaded to be Christians, but fear the cross. These things should quicken us to apply to God for protection, help, and deliverance.

Abandon Amorites Assembled Camp Country Dwell Hand Hands Help Hill Joshua Kings Mountains Quickly Save Servants Slack Together

Abandon Amorites Assembled Camp Country Dwell Hand Hands Help Hill Joshua Kings Mountains Quickly Save Servants Slack Together