Age Anyone Case Certainly Death Keeps Obeyed Saying Solemn Teaching Truly Truth Verily
8:51 {16} Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never {r} see death.
(16) Only the doctrine of the gospel apprehended by faith is a sure remedy against death.
(r) That is, he will not feel it: for even in the midst of death the faithful see life.
8:51 If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death. Here again is a condition and a promise. Notice (1) Its universal character: If any one, Jew or Gentile, male or female, bond or free. (2) The condition: Keep my words. By obedience we are not only freed, but enter into life. (3) The promise: Shall not see death. Death of the body is not reckoned death, but merely the gate through which the believer enters upon a more perfect life. The real death is that of the soul.
8:51 If a man keep my word - So will my Father consult my glory. We keep his doctrine by believing, his promises by hoping, his command by obeying. He shall never see death - That is, death eternal. He shall live for ever. Hereby he proves that he was no Samaritan; for the Samaritans in general were Sadducees.
8:48-53 Observe Christ's disregard of the applause of men. those who are dead to the praises of men can bear their contempt. God will seek the honour of all who do not seek their own. In these verses we have the doctrine of the everlasting happiness of believers. We have the character of a believer; he is one that keeps the sayings of the Lord Jesus. And the privilege of a believer; he shall by no means see death for ever. Though now they cannot avoid seeing death, and tasting it also, yet they shall shortly be where it will be no more forever, Ex 14:13.
Age Case Death Keeps Obeyed Solemn Teaching Truth Verily Word
Age Case Death Keeps Obeyed Solemn Teaching Truth Verily Word